Sunday, 27 November 2011

27 November 2011 - Perth Road, Westdene

I left the first of these images un-cropped, so that you can see what it looks like to drive by on this road, on a clear summers day in Johanbnesburg.

It takes a closer, and even closer look, to see the details. Notice the Joburg skyline in the eyes.

27 November 2011 - Perth Road, Westdene

Another wall on Perth Road.

These are two photos, not meant to be a Panoramic view.

27 November 2011 - Perth Road, Westdene

Evey few houses on Perth Road has a painted wall...

27 November 2011 - University Road, Auckland Park (2)

This walls is a little further up the road from my previous post on University Road. The wall was recently painted over, Unfotunately I dont have photo's of how it looked before. (also graffiti style)

I told you it was University Road

27 November 2011 - University Road, Auckland Park

When you work for your heart, work becomes play